The Benefit of WordPress for Web Content Management Strategy

Web Content Management Strategy

WordPress Gallery Visual Editor

web content management strategy

If you are looking for a simple way to publish and format your content online. Or better still a web content management strategy, the WordPress Gallery Visual Editor provides a simple way for you to achieve this.

The good news is, you do not require and HTML knowledge or a coding experience before creating a professional looking web pages with embedded images, media, etc…

This tutorial is about learning how to use the WordPress Galley Visual Editor for web content management strategy. You will discover what:

    • The menu buttons do
    • How to format a text
    • How to resize the text editor
  • And More!

The video below gives you a complete step by step tutorial on how to use the WordPress Visual Gallery Editor for an online content management strategy to produce a professional look.


A Simple Guide To Formatting Text In WordPress.

The WordPress Gallery Visual Editor for web content management strategy is awesome because of the great feature of WYSIWYG, (What You See Is What You Get). This feature enables you to format a text, you’re able to create hyperlinks, add images and media posts and pages. You’re able to do much more with simple clicks.

WordPress Visual Editor

WordPress Gallery Visual Editor Buttons Explained

If you’re familiar with the MS Word text editor, understanding the functions of the WordPress visual editor interface for web content management strategy will not be a problem at all.

WordPress Visual Editor

Here is a brief description of the function of each of the WordPress Visual Editor buttons shown in the screenshot above:

1. Title Field – Type the title of your post or page in this section.

2. Permalink – By  clicking on the edit button, you will be able to change the permalink of your posts and pages. This is quite handy, especially if you desire to shorten or change the URL of your post or page.

3. Media Manager – You can manage and insert media into your post by clicking on the upload button. You can upload media files such as: pictures, videos, audio etc.) from your computer, an external URL, or from your site’s own media library.

4. WordPress Gallery Visual Editor Tab – By clicking this tab you will have access to WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) editor.

5. Text Editor Tab – By clicking on this tab, you can view and make changes to the code behind your content. This tab allows you to add content in the WYSIWIG mode by switching between the two tabs. You are able to make changes to the underlying code through switches.

WordPress Text Editor

6. Bold – You highlight a text and then click this button to make it bold afterwards.

7. Italics – You highlight a text and click this button to italicize the word.

8. Strikethrough – Formats selected text as

9. Unordered list – Use this button to create an unordered list like the example below:

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
  • Etc…

10. Ordered list – Use this button to create an ordered list like the example below:

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
  4. Etc…

11. Block Quote. Use this function to create a block quote. Simply select the text you want to display in the block quote and click the button.

To exit the quote press the “Enter” key to create a line of space and then click the block quote button again and this will end the command and return your text to normal.

12, 13 & 14. Alignment buttons – Use these buttons to align text and objects inserted into your posts or pages:

12. Align Left

13. Align Center

14. Align Right

Press the “Enter” key and leave a line of space to end the align command

15. Insert/Edit Link. Use this button to insert a hyperlink into your text (See “How To Link Content Internally In WordPress Posts And Pages” tutorial for useful tips on using the hyperlink function).

16. Unlink. By highlighting and selecting a text, this button will unlink or remove the hyperlink.

17. Insert More Tag. Clicking on this button will allow you to insert a read more link wherever you position your cursor. Once you publish a post, all text added before publishing will insert this tag and display as normal. All content added after the tag will only be displayed to visitors after clicking on the read more link…

More Tag


Important: The “Read More” tag does not work on WordPress “Pages”. It is only used on the Home page that shows your latest posts (i.e. your Blog Page).

18. Spell Checker. This button helps to check the spellings of your content. You can select a different language from the drop down menu.

WordPress Spell Checkker

19. Toggle Full Screen Mode. The main function of this button is to toggle between the full screen and the editor normal screen mode. This is very good for checking the placement of items on the page. It’s also helpful because you will not be distracted by other page’s elements when working on a content…

Full Screen Mode

20. Show/Hide Kitchen Sink. Click this button to toggle the WordPress visual editor between minimal mode (one row of buttons) and enhanced mode (two rows of buttons).

Show / Hide Kitchen Sink

21. Format Style. Use this feature to format text. When you create a new post or page and start typing into the content area, the text is formatted as “paragraph” (i.e. normal) by default.

To create headings for your content, highlight an area of text and select different format styles from the drop down menu (e.g. heading sizes ranging from h1 to h6) …

Format Style

22. Underline. Select an area of text and click this button to underline text.

23. Align Full. Use this button to justify your content and display your text neater on your page. This button will adjust the spacing in your text to try and square up every line of text so that the line ends are not “ragged” (as is the case when text is aligned left by default).

24. Select Text Color. Select an area of text, then click on this button and select from the color options in the dropdown menu to change the color of your selected text area …

Select Text Color

WordPress Tip

Note: You can expand the selection of colors available in the color palette by clicking on the More colors button …

WordPress Color Palette

You will then have access to an almost limitless choice of colours.

Useful Tip: If you are familiar with the Hexadecimal (HEX) color system, you can just type in the code for the specific color you want into the Color field.

The example below shows the HEX color codes for some of the most commonly used “web safe” colors (i.e. colors that display correctly across most browsers and monitors) …

Commonly Used HEX Colors

25. Paste as Plain Text. Click the button marked with a “T” to paste the content of your clipboard into your content editor area as plain text.

26. Paste from Word. Click the button marked with a “W” to paste in text from MS Word.


Note: Pasting text directly from MS Word into your WordPress content editor can introduce unnecessary code into your content and result in errors. MS Word and some other text editors store code that is not directly visible when copying text from a document into the clipboard …

Pasting Content Into WordPress From MS Word

27. Remove formatting. If you notice unwanted formatting code in your text (or your content isn’t displaying as you intended after your post or page has been published), then select all text and click this button to clear all formatting on the page.

Tip: Here is a quick and useful way to test and remove any errors that you suspect may be caused by poor formatting tags without losing your original content.

Before using the “Remove formatting” function, switch to the “Text” tab, then select and copy all of your text to the clipboard …

Copying Formatted Text In WordPress

Paste the content from your clipboard into a new plain text file, then go back to your content and go through the “Remove formatting” process. Now, if something goes wrong, at least you have a backup copy of your content with all the original formatting preserved.

28. Insert custom character. Click this button to insert special characters like © ® ™ a whole bunch of other special characters (e.g. characters for non-English text). 29. Outdent – Click this button to remove indented text & return text to left alignment on the page. 30. Indent – Click this button to indent one or more lines of text to the right.

Here’s a line of indented text (indented by pressing “enter” button).

This line has been indented further to the right by pressing the indent button one more time.

31. Undo. Click this button to undo your previous commands. This is useful if you have accidentally deleted a section of text, or formatted text wrongly and need to backtrack.

32. Redo. Click this button to reinstate a change or deletion that you have undone.

33. Rich Editor Help. Click this button to bring up the WordPress Editor Help feature …

WordPress Editor Help

Tip #1: WordPress Content Editor – Power User Shortcuts

As well as using the menu buttons in your Visual Editor toolbar to insert and format content, you can also use the key combinations below as you type. This can help you create and format content faster …

WordPress Content Editor - Power User Shortcuts

Tip #2 – How To Resize The WordPress Visual Text Editor Box

WordPress provides a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) Visual Editor for creating and editing your posts and pages. By default, WordPress normally displays around a dozen lines of text in its WYSIWYG Editor …


Depending on your content writing or editing needs, this may not be enough. So, how can we make the text editor larger? Well … before the WordPress 3.5 version upgrade, one of the options for increasing the size of the WordPress text editor, was to go into your Writing Settings area and specify the number of lines you wanted to display in the post box …


Although the above option no longer seems to be available post WordPress version 3.5, it’s still quite easy to resize your text editor.

All you have to do, is log into your WordPress admin, then go into your Post or Page area (create new or edit), and click and drag the bottom right-hand corner of your post box to resize it …

How To Resize The WP Visual Editor Text Box

Your Text Editor Box is now resized …

How To Resize The WP Visual Editor Text Box

Another useful way to enlarge your working space, is to click on the Distraction Free Writing mode button (Alt Shift W) in your WYSIWYG toolbar menu …

How To Resize The WP Visual Editor Text Box

This gives you a “full screen” mode to work with when editing or reviewing your content …

How To Resize The WP Visual Editor Text Box

To return to your previous setup, just click on the Exit fullscreen link at the top of your screen …

How To Resize The WP Visual Editor Text Box


WordPress is huge and can sometimes be overwhelming about where to start. As you move on to the next Page, you will have a clearer picture of where to start and progress to building a professional WordPress Site.


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